Thursday, August 26, 2010

Movie - Repo Men (2010)

I went to watch this movie with mixed expectations. On one hand, my peers claimed it to be inception-like, a very good movie and on the other hand reviews convincing me that it was not to be the case. Lets see which side won my agreement.

hmm.... decisions...decisions...

The movie starts of abruptly, with a very brief but sufficient explanation of the whole idea of the movie. I must admit I had hopes for this movie, albeit it being very little. But my hopes were very quickly repossessed by the Repo Men, in painful fashion.

I was blown away... for all the wrong reasons

Was the movie really that bad? well... Yes... and No.

On the up side, there was sufficient violence to keep me glued to my seat (for those violent parts, at least) and the story did, for a short moment, gave a breathe of conspiracy to it. And I honestly felt that the concept of these Repo Men was a very nice and somewhat cool concept. But sadly, these 'positives' barely make up for the low-points in this movie.

There were holes all over the plot and it quickly became tired and unbearable; very difficult to digest. Most parts did not make sense, some very predictable. The dialogues were boring and never really gripped the audience (or... me, at least). Characters and scene were underdeveloped, if not rushed.

Artiforgs (artificial organ) anyone?

It was appalling how the movie shamelessly squeezed in a very boring and tired, so-called 'twist' at the end just as an attempt to salvage what was left of the movie's worth. I guess, if there were to be a strong point to this movie, it would be the Acting of Whitaker and Jude Law, but even that falls short of the passing mark.

Whitaker: Hey, we're in a shitty movie...
Law: I know... (giggles)...

All in all a very disappointing movie from a mildly interesting concept. Miguel Sapochnik (the Director) should send his Repo Men to repossessed this movie from cinemas worldwide.


Pros: Interesting concept, violent scenes | Cons: Everything Else | Rating: 3.5/10