Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Movie - Rosemary's Baby (1968)

I watched this movie with high expectations due to its impressive score on (8/10 - #199 of the top #250 movies) and an overwhelming 98% on Rottentomatoes.

The movie revolves around a young woman and her husband who just moved into an apartment aiming to start anew. Strangely though, they did not seem bothered by the fact that the previous tenant of said apartment was dead after having a coma.

The young couple have themselves an old couple as their neighbour, an old man of 79 years and a woman who is more nosy than any woman who you will ever know. The story took a turn when the neighbours got a little too friendly and young Rosemary fainted and started to have this dream (which was actually real) of her being raped by a monster-like creature. Subsequently, she was pregnant.

From then on, many strange characters intervened with her (and her baby's) life.

Well, the movie itself was'nt bad - mostly disturbing to a certain extent -, but probably a tad bit predictable (note: it was in the 60s, probably then it wasnt so predictable). Again, very few modern day horror movies come close to even matching the quality (horror-wise) of old horror movies.



Pros: Genuine feel of horror and eerie-ness, plot was somewhat original given the year it was filmed, one of the weirdest endings to a movie | Cons: predictable, restrained storyline | Rating: 7.5/10

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