Monday, August 9, 2010

Movie - Mary and Max (2009)

This movie (animation) is based on a true story of an Australian lass (Mary) and an Obese American man (Max) who exchanged letter and created a bond unlike any other.

The Story starts out quite dull and slow but soon begins to pick up pace and the story gets more interesting. It is worth noting that this is no ordinary 'cartoon' (if you will). It seemed to be more well suited for the adult viewers rather than young children. Though it may come off as immature at times, the story manages to input mature issues (eg. sex, pregnancy, depression) very maturely.

Narrated by the calming voice of Barry Humphries, it fits perfectly with the setting of the movie. The detail of the props are superbly executed down to the littlest crack on the wall/ground.
Very much worth watching, especially those who are into creative animation.

Two worlds apart - the calm air of Australia against the harsh environment of New York - Mary and Max (through their letters) take on a roller coaster journey filled with sadness, anger, happiness and 'confuzzledness'. Yours truly, Mary and Max.

Ps. The intro music is very very nice.

Pps. The movie is somewhat dark.

Ppps. You'll get my reference once you've watch the movie.


Pros: Superb setting (very detailed), very nice plot, though at times immature; it handled mature issues very neatly | Cons: First 15 minute was abit hard to digest (but it got better) | Rating: 7.5/10

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