Monday, September 20, 2010

Up in The Air (2009)

A story about Ryan Bingham (Clooney), who flies all around America, firing people as a job. Along the way, a newbie, Natalie Keener (Kendrick) tags along to experience firing people upfront after introducing a new way via web-cam and Bingham meets a fellow frequent flier, Alex (Farmiga), and began to click.

The movie maintains a steady paced throughout and nothing seemed rushed nor dragged. The movie is also a decent mixed bag of emotions, from depressingly sad moments, to Bingham's quick-witted humour. Clooney did well with his role and made believable the loneliness of his character and the joy of reaching 10million miles of flight mileage. Kendrick also did a superb job and held a character rather well together with the likes of Clooney. The chemistry between Clooney and Farmiga was fantastic and it really worked.

The firing scenes were very interesting. It actually gave the audience a decent picture of what losing a job means to some people. Some people take it on the chin, some don't really take it very well at all. With that said, the movie is not solely focused on just the firing, but rather, how Bingham deals with his disconnected relationship with his family and how he finds trouble to actually tell where 'home' is.

If theres anything to fault about this movie is that the storyline is a little bit on the predictable side. Despite that little flaw, the movie never really had any boring moments. If I had to really find a flaw, it would be the unnecessary alphatech part, though I dont think its a 'real' flaw.

All in all, one of the best movies I've seen yet. Despite not being 'epic' in any way, I felt it was one of those movies which really conveys something different - from losing a job, to getting dump via text message, to having an affair etc. - to different sections of the audience. I can safely say that I really enjoyed this movie. And that 'Rocket Science' chick is a bit of an eye-candy.


Pros: Very good acting, particularly by Kendrick and Clooney, the extras were good, nice balance of emotions to keep the audience interested | Cons: None worth mentioning except some unnecessary scenes | Rating: 8/10

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