Wednesday, September 15, 2010


These are some of my nutshell reviews, in short, movies that I may have watched before and decided to watch them again, and also those which are not worth my time to write a full review on (and im lazy).

1) The Hills Have Eyes

Pros: Violently violent, kinda scary | Cons: Predictable plot, mindless storyline | Rating: 5/10

2) Slither

Pros: None | Cons: Everything | Rating: 2/10

3) Fired Up

Pros: Hot girls, mildly (very very mildly) funny | Cons: crappy, teenage flick, yet again | Rating: 3/10

4) The Omen (2006)

Pros: Nothing much | Cons: Julia Stiles, and the fact that the kid appeared more annoying rather than scary | Rating: 4/10

5) Hostel

Pros: Violent, nice concept | Cons: Stupid Japanese girl, looks B-grade | Rating: 5/10

6) Mysterious Skin

Now, this movie deserves a mini review (abit better than a nutshell review). The plot is clever and brave, on top of being very very original. Not one for homophobes but definitely worth the watch. Something different from the norm but very very real. Storyline is great, though a tad bit underdeveloped (it was'nt THAT extensive a story). Personally I felt the acting was pretty good and that the actors really got in their roles. Gordon Levitt did a great job with a very very hard role. All in all, a VERY weird but interesting movie.

Pros: Something different and brave, great acting (especially by the kids), nice plot development | Cons: Nothing worth mentioning but its definitely not an epic movie | Rating: 7.5/10

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