Friday, September 10, 2010

Silent Hill (2006) | The Fatality (Thai-2009)

Well, this is another one of those game-to-movie adaptation. And as far as these kind of movies go, they usually suck. Point of note: This is my second time watching this movie.

Pyramid-head looking oh-so-kewl

Silent Hill isn't all that bad. In my opinion, its actually one of the better games-movies adaptation. Characters from the game are well portrayed and at times, does give that eerie, scary feeling to it. But the plot could do with some work. Its a tired, boring plot which appeared a little messy.

There's ALOT of CGI in this movie, but understandably so. I wasn't too fond of it, but i guess the directors didn't really have much choice.

Look! I can touch my head with my feet!

Well, I won't write to long on this movie due to the fact that I've watched it before so theres really nothing much to say. Fans of the game may butcher the movie. Neutrals will probably like it enough to give it a thumbs-up.


Pros: Nice "Silent Hill" feeling, character portrayal is Good, When darkness falls | Cons: tired, predictable and messy plot, over-the-top CGI | Rating: 6/10


I bought some DVDs to watch because streaming online with a 1mbps line is torture. So my main target was Asian Horror Films. So i stumbled upon 'The Fatality', a Thai-Taiwan collaboration film. Basically its about a guy who kills himself in Taiwan, gets his soul transferred to another guy, Asanee, in Thailand who is apparently a 'Death' who stamps peoples' Death Certificate so they can cross-over to the other side. Confusing? I thought so too.

I wasn't hoping for much. Just a decent horror film would suffice. Fortunately, this movie isn't THAT bad. Surrounded by so many negatives, it scores some pretty good points (but not much).
The actors/actresses were dull, without any character to the point where it seemed so scripted (especially when they 'try' to speak in English). Often at time the plot would seem to get lost, but regained its path soon after.

Another BIG disappointment is: SPOILER
This isn't much of a horror film. The 'ghost' were squeezed within the first 30-45 minutes of the movie and thats it. It's more of a drama (with a hint of horror) to me. The storyline revolves around a wife who wants to get rid of her husband so that she and her lover can make off with her brother-in-law's assets. Drama? YES.

The good thing about this movie though, is the concept of stamping Death Certs to kill people. Its quite a nice concept but gets tired very fast. I also felt that the Taiwan-Thai connection was a really good idea.

But alas, too much disappointment makes it but a normal Asian Horror film. But worth the watch if you have too much time on your hand or if you love Thai-Taiwan collaboration flicks.


Pros: Smart idea of a collabo, decent enough concept to the film | Cons: Acting, supposedly 'scary' scenes, camera-angle can get a little annoying at times (with the blurred edges) | Rating: 4/10

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