Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Resident Evil: Afterlife 3D (2010)

The fourth installment of the Resident Evil (film) series continues off from RE: Extinction where... well, actually, I cant for the life of me remember the previous RE movies. They're just THAT forgettable. Midway through Afterlife and I know this one will rest with the other RE installments, in the 'Forgettable Movies' storeroom.

But, fortunately, forgettable does not equal boring. The movie has enough action scenes to keep the audience on the edge of their seats (especially in 3D). The duo of Jovovich and Larter actually worked out pretty well.

Basically all the positives that I can squeeze out of this movie are from its 3-dimensional effects. The 3D is by far, the best I've seen in a movie (and I've had my fair share of 3D movies - Clash of the Titans, Alive in Wonderland, Avatar etc. - and all these movies did'nt exploit the 3D technology enough). There are a few 'in your face' moments and also some pretty cool 3D effects on satellite images.

However, like all the previous Resident Evil movies, it falls short of being a good movie. It lacks the most vital part of what RE is all about -Zombies-, not to say they are'nt any - there are - , just not enough. And the 'boss battles' in this movie are downright poor and clearly showed the lack of creativity. The plot is draggy and some parts just appeared unnecessary. The ending was dragged way too long and the continuity of it made the movie ridiculous.

Simply put, if you plan on watching this movie in normal cinemas, be prepared for a draggy and dull ride (unless you love the series of course). But watching it in 3D will be money well spent.

PS: Wentworth Miller started in a cell... But he doesn't have a map tattooed all over his body.

PS2: during the 3D trailer, Sammy's Adventure: The Secret Passage (2010)'s 3D effect looked really really cool.


Pros: Best use of 3D technology I've seen, yet, Loads of bullets | Cons: messy, boring storyline, ending is mediocre and draggy, forgettable | Rating: 5/10

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