Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Social Network (2010)

The highly rated Facebook movie. This movie takes you through the journey that Mark Zuckerberg went through to create and establish Facebook, lawsuits and all. I think that this movie's major selling point is that its about Facebook. Who doesnt have Facebook? Everyone uses Facebook, most on a daily basis. Even your mum has Facebook. Some peoples' pets have Facebook. Not surprisingly, even people without a laptop or a computer has a Facebook account. This movie has the potential to be one of the best movies of 2010 solely because people (the audience) can associate with the premise.

The story starts off with Zuckerberg being dumped by his then girlfriend, Erica Albright just to get the audiences' attention. From then on the Facebook Journey begins. The whole journey is really entertaining and insightful, especially for users of FB. Who would have thought a Harvard drop-out could be a billionaire at such a young age just by coming up with a simple online social network.

But as the story unfolds, not every step of the journey is easy.
A tale of deceit and manipulation depicts just how bad Zuckerberg's friendship with 'close friend' Eduardo became drenched with bad blood. A huge chunk of that was due to the inclusion of Napster's Co-Founder, Sean Parker.

The acting was superb by all means. The emotion and tension conveyed from each scene was really believable. One would think that a documentary-ish movie would be boring and dry, but The Social Network really is the total opposite, filled with emotion and legitimate character; and just the right amount of humour and brains.

At the end of the day, I feel that there really isn't anything to fault or dislike about this movie. Its great, its tense, its emotional on some grounds, its insightful and most importantly to most people today (at least to 500 million active FB users), its relevant. Its alot of premise (backstabbing, failed relationship, university life, etc.) all rolled into one and its based on actual events which as usual, makes it better than it is.

on a side note: It really makes you wonder how a simple idea can have the potential to be something extremely huge (ie. Facebook). I am sure most people who will (or have watched) watch this movie will go "Owh, why didn't I think of that?". However, I cant help but wonder just how long can Facebook keep this up. How many more years till people stop bothering about it an use a brand new social networking site? Only time will tell.

Rating: 8/10

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