Thursday, November 11, 2010

Scott Pilgrim vs The World (2010)

For some reason, this movie didn't get released here in Malaysia alongside with other potentially awesome movies (ie. Easy A, Social Network etc.). So I had to resort to other 'means' of watching this epic movie of epic epicness. The movie is based on a graphic novel by Bryan Lee O'Malley that revolves around Scott Pilgrim who must defeat his new new girlfriend's seven evil exes in order to win her heart. Sounds pretty bad ass no?

This movie uses the elements of video games and comics to its very best. From words in the air, to power upgrades to the very old school "K.O" announcement. People who dont read comic books or play video games probably wont appreciate it as much as those who do. I felt the choices of actors were good, each of them fitting their role. The jokes were funny, nothing was way too over the top. The story was a little to rushed in the first 15 minutes or so but subsequently it slowed down to a normal pace.

The highlight of this movie would most probably be (well at least to me) the fight scenes with all the exes. The comical nature of the fights were awesome to say the very least. Again, the element of video games and comics really made this movie what it is, an epic in its own way. The fights were like the ones you used to play in video games in the arcade. The cinematography (or how the fights were capture/filmed) helped alot if augmenting the effects. My favourite battle was between "Sex Bob-Omb and the Katayanagi twins". The effects though simplistic, was very very cool. The on I liked least was against Todd, which involved way too much talking.

So, to put it down in a few words, this movie is definitely an epic in its own way. The elements of video games and comics (I cannot stress this enough) really worked well (almost perfectly). The characters played their role really well. Everything was pretty much simplistic without trying to be more than it is. Nothing was too over the top. The movie felt quite long, but it wasn't boring. So if you want something epic to kill time or is just sick of what the cinemas in Malaysia are showing, go get Scott Pilgrim vs The world and enjoy the ride of epic epicness.

Rating: 7.5/10

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