Friday, November 12, 2010

Let Me In (2010)

"Let me in tells" a story of a typical bullied boy, Owen, from a torn family who befriends a peculiar girl, Abby. It turns out that Abby is a vampire, or something like that, she cant go out in the sun, she only eats/drinks blood and she has to be invited into a place before she can enter. This movie is a remake of the original Låt den Rätte Komma In (Let the Right One In) (2008). In the previous months, not alot of horror movies came out on the silver screen, and the ones that did, sucked. And this, apparently, based on online reviews, is one of the hollywood remakes that did not spoil the original.

This movie was draggy from start to finish with way too much unnecessary dialogue killing every scene. Most people just want to see mindless horror movies with not much substance to it. But this movie had too much of it, maybe a little too much to stomach. The scary scenes were minimal to say the least and when it did appear, it wasn't so satisfying. The movie was missing something, a very important factor. And that factor is to leave the audience with the fear of the movie in their head.

'Let Me In' almost had me screaming 'Let Me Out'. The first hour, or rather 3/4 of the movie made me want to go out and skip the rest of the movie. It was only until the final 30 minutes that the movie got interesting. When Abby started to go on a rage (well, kind off). I felt like this movie is more of a 'love' story (if you will) with a side of horror. The typical bullied boy falls for this peculiar girl. I think I heard more laughter than screams in the cinema.

All in all, this movie let me down. I had high expectations of it thanks to online ratings and such. But I personally find the movie boring and a little too draggy for its own good. To be nice, the only good thing from the movie was its sporadic horror moments and Chloe Moretz's role as Abby. The rest can be excluded and the movie would still be the same.

Rating: 5.5/10

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