Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sammy's Adventure: The Secret Passage (2010)

Basically the reason I went to watch this kiddy animation is due to the fact that during my previous two 3D-movie encounters, it appeared as a trailer and the 3D effects were eyegasmic to say the very least. So I thought, "hey, why not? it could be better than I expect it to be...". Well, to cut things short, I was right and wrong.

(This review will be from an Adult's point of view)

On to the storyline first. Come on, a story about a turtle going on an adventure? Seems pretty far-fetched, if not cliched (animals going on so called 'adventures'). The story starts off with an elderly turtle talking to the audience about something I cant for the life of me remember right now.

The story starts off well, with cute baby turtles struggling to make their way from the beach to the ocean to begin their 'journey'. But sadly, the storyline got worse. After the first hour of the movie the plot just became somewhat, mindless and felt really really draggy (but maybe i was just a little tired). Jokes weren't even funny, lines were corny, plot predictable, nonsense story that only a kid could appreciate. But it got a little better in the last 15 minutes or so (still a downer though). The story still felt lost.

But amidst all these mindless childish plot (its nothing bad), the movie subtly (I think so) and sneakily put in some real world adult-appreciated issues like whaling, overfishing, the hippies, climate change, deforestation and the lot. I don't think it was necessary but I guess it'll be something for parents who bring the kids to appreciate.

So, Conclusively, for the storyline and the story as a whole... for an 'adult', I would say it's just about watchable... nothing great.... but understandably so. I accepted the 'fact' that this movie was all about exploiting the 3D frenzy, which i'll soon talk next.

Rating: 5.5/10

As for the 3D effects of this movie, I felt it was THE BEST 3D movie yet. The 3D scenes and effects were utilized to a great extent. Alot of 'in-your-face' moments too. I appreciated the amount of 3D moments in the movie though it gave me a little of a headache and sore eyes... but it was worth it, with effects of this caliber. So, if you're planning to watch a 3D flick just for the 3D, this is the one to watch!

Rating for 3D effects: 8/10


  1. you know how a movie is 3D but doesnt actually utilize it at 3D worthy moments...thats lame, man, laaaaameee

  2. but this movie utilized it to the max yo!
