Friday, October 15, 2010

Buried (2010)


First off, I would like to say something to Malaysian Movie-goers, you would most probably NOT like this movie because it requires some acceptance of something rather new. Something which most Malaysians are not accustom to (sometimes even I myself). I ended this movie listening to jeers and remarks like : "Lousy movie". But I, have a totally opposite take on this movie. A much wider take than the box in which the movie focuses mainly (only) on.

I thought the idea of this movie was great and as soon as rottentomatoes gave a review, I decided then on that I will definitely catch this movie once it hit the cinemas. And so I did. I didnt know that Ryan Reynolds was acting until I checked the cast. He's more synonymous to sappy rom coms and soft humour, so I had my doubts. So on to the review for Buried.

The movie started out with a pitch black screen, which strangely caused audience to panic... they thought it was some technical glitch or something *sigh*. Then soon appeared Reynolds's panicked face with a flicker of a Zippo (lighter). Subsequently, his 90-minute fight for survival begins as he struggles to stay calm and find where and why he is buried alive. With numerous calls he gets no where near to any clear cut answer and his anxiety attack kicks in. With depleting oxygen supply and time running out, the everyday truck driver only has a lighter, a glowstick and Blackberry running low on battery.

The story itself really captured the essence of claustrophobia. It felt very real - the feeling of being trapped inside a small box underground -. *SPOILER* Yes, the whole entire movie was filmed ONLY inside the box *SPOILER*. I felt somewhat agitated by the very real feel of claustrophobia. I also liked how the movie was made so as to make the lights from the torch and the cellphone more glaring to the eye. The flow of the storyline started out well, then it went down abit but managed to get back up towards the end, and the ending was just perfect. I liked every bit of it (though some might disagree). It requires the audience to think outside the box (pun intended).

As for Ryan Reynolds, I must say that I was really impress with his performance in this movie. For once, I can actually say his acting was really good. He really outdid himself. He really portrayed the frustration and claustrophobia really really well. He made it all a little more convincing, which was a very good thing for both him and I (as one of the audience).

To cut things short, I really enjoyed this movie. I felt that they could have shown something from outside of the box but I guess that would defeat the whole direction and purpose of this movie. Also, some of the things probably Ryan Reynolds could have done earlier on in the movie but I guess it would cut the movie too short. If you're the typical Malaysian (I say this cause Malaysian are generally no open to something different, something new) movie go-er, then you will most probably end up not liking this movie. But I beg to differ. This movie is definitely one of the best releases this month.

PS: I was really irked at some people in the cinema who could'nt shut up and who ended up disappointed because they expected something more like Repomen (pfftt!)



  1. yea!! i agree with this review! the ending was such a twist.

    have i said i like ur blog?...

  2. well.. it wasnt a twist.. but it was fitting.. :)

    and yea.. i think it was implied... :) thanks
