Friday, October 15, 2010

The Other Guys (2010)

One of the few comedies this year that actually received good reviews. That itself made me want to watch this movie, and also the fact that I've not watched a comedy at the cinema for quite sometime (if memory serves me right). Mark Wahlberg and Will Ferrell play as the 'Other Guys', kind of like the scapegoats of the police force. Wahlberg being this uptight, hot-head and Ferrell, the nerdy, pseudo-cop with a bad history. The movie included cameos by hollywood heavyweights in the form of Dwayne Johnson and L. Jackson (i say cameo because they didnt really last that long - This being the funniest bit in the movie).

So, as comedies usually start off, you have a short intro to whos who, whats the movie about. You eventually get the idea of how funny or how stupid the movie will be. This movie started pretty good with a hint of comedic mindlessness. I enjoyed mostly the early parts due to the fact that Jackson and Johnson were in it. The movie then took a slight decline as to its intereting-ness. It just threw in some pretty mindless scenes that are tired, predictable and down-right bullshit (but with this movie being a comedy, I forgave it). So many times we see the nerdy, mysteriously strange character ending up with a hot partner/wife/whatever.

And Mark Wahlberg's lines were just bad. The guy shouldnt act in any comedies anymore. Dont get me wrong, I like Marky Mark, even if most of his movies are'nt blockbusters or chart-toppers. But his role in a comedy is to be left undesirable. I felt the role should have been reversed. Instead, Ferrell played this clueless, somehow chick-magnet which did not fit in well wit the movie at all.

Furthermore, I personally felt the movie lost its direction about three quarters in. It was not a comedy nor a serious movie. It started to try and fit it some 'story' into the movie. It did;nt fail too miserably thankfully. It actually got pretty interesting. I laughed at some scenes. Some I yawned. But this movie is in no way a bad movie. Its just decent. Just ENOUGH to make it worth watching in the cinema.

To be fair, the end bit was pretty okay (quite good, no where near great). Safe to say the movie failed to save itself from the earlier downfall. A decent comedy. Bad storyline. Not enough jokes. Too many bullshit.

PS: People in the cinema did'nt get the TLC reference.


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