Thursday, December 30, 2010

Top 5 Worst Movies of 2010

As we come to a close to 2010, We welcome 2011 with open arms. And with hopes in our hearts that 2011 will bring great movies to cinemas across the world. So here's to 2010, thank you for bringing us some really epic movies, and some that are better left in 2010 FOREVER. Here's

Criticize This!'s top 5 Worst Movies of 2010

Note: I have not watched ALL the movies released in 2010 (I have a life -gasp!-). But these are the five that I most regrettably watched.

1. Repomen (2010)

An interesting concept but terrible execution. The movie was poor to say the very least. The acting was very corny - the black and white besties, backstabbing -. We've all seen that, executed in a much better way. Towards the end the movie got confused. It didnt know what to do, so it threw in a so-called 'twist' which totally ruined the movie. I actually felt this movie had potential to entertain me due to its excessive mindless violence and pretty interesting concept. But unfortunately, it did not. It let me down on so many levels. The scope of the movie was very narrow, signs that showed the lack of imagination. I was really hoping for good things for this movie (especially after peers recommended it), but sadly, it ends up in the 2010 Worst Movies list.

2. A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010)

As remakes go, they usually never do justice to the original. And this remake is another perfect example. The directors got the most vital part of the movie wrong - Freddy -. It just was Englund's Freddy. In fact, it was no where near the original Freddy. It was an insult. It was laughable. As for the acting, its like a teen flick plus Freddy. Deaths were boring and unimaginative. Dull and predictable. I was deeply disappointed as Freddy was one of those horror characters that really spooked me as a kid.

3. Karate Kid (2010)

Again, another remake. What shall I say about this movie? Its a movie about a kid learning Kung-fu to join a tournament to beat his bully. Yes, Kung-Fu. And the movies is called Karate Kid. A huge disappointment. Usually Jaden Smith is a pretty good actor, but not in this movie. He appeared whiny and annoying (to me at least).

4. Legion (2010)

A laughable movie. Everything in it is very fake. There is no sense of realism in this movie. The storyline lacked any solidity to it. A very poor take on the Apocalypse. Even God would be disappointed in this movie.

5. Dear John (2010)

A very very very very Corny love story with very minimal variation. Some love it, and some dont. I, on the other hand, hated it. It was boring, dry and lacked originality. It wasn't even at the slightest bit, fresh. Poor acting didn't help either. One I regretted watching (I actually skipped from time to time - yes, it was that boring).

Honourable Mention (because 5 bad movies is always never enough):
These are the movies that let me down (after having such high expectations),

1) Let me In (2010)

I was hoping for a superb horror flick but I ended up disappointed by draggy storyline and very slow pace.

2) Clash of the Titans (2010)

The trailer fooled me. Fooled me Good.

3) Prince of Persia (2010)

I love the game. Hate the movie.

4) The Other Guys (2010)

It was only funny when The Rock and Jackson weren't dead.

5) Gulliver's Travels (2010)

Was just hoping for more from Jack Black.

Those I didn't Watch, And thank God I didn't:

1) Skyline (2010) - Trailer told me that this movie was filled with C-grade actors acting out a B-grade Story.

2) Avatar: Last Airbender (2010) - Again, Trailer saved me from watching this Epic failure.

Well Folks, Thats my Worst Movies of 2010. I know, I know, There are definitely far worse movies that I've missed. But thats exactly it. I missed them because they are THAT bad.
Fortunately, Coming Soon - Criticize This!'s Top 5 Best Movies of 2010.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Gulliver's Travels (2010)

Jack Black's latest adventure takes him to an island far beyond anybody's imagination where its inhabitants are little people (literally). The island is called Liliput, your typical olden day kingdom - The King, Queen, Princess, at war - . And that is where Lemuel Gulliver (Black) comes in and shakes things up.

If there is anything to take from this movie, its that Jack Black is evidently a one-note guy. His acting is monotonous and repetitive from movie to movie. Which can be a good thing for some people, but in his case, its not. Its boring and tiring to watch the same 'rocker' act in every movie he acts in. It did not fit in well with the movie. Its almost an insult to the original Gulliver's Travels. But I guess that would be a little too harsh on the comedic rocker.

The movie was, in my opinion, decently watchable. Nothing to shout about, but it did not suck. Its those kinds of movie you watch on TV but isnt good at all but you still want to watch (instead of turning off the TV). There are some laughs in the movie but most of which are from Jack Black's antics rather than uttered humour (conversations and such). The CGI were good and seemed real enough.

Okay, maybe there isnt much to praise about this movie. Its your typical Jack Black Comedy, which has proven not to tickle everyone's fancy. To Black's fans, its a good movie, to neutrals, not so much. The movie lacks any aesthetic value, acting is only decent, the movie felt limited. It felt unimaginative. Either this, or Im just expecting way toooo much. Anywho, it is evident that Jack Black's antics can only bring him so far.

+ Computer Effects
+ Decently Funny
- Predictable
- One-Note Acting
- Not one of Black's Best

Rating: 4.5/10

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Nutshell Reviews

Well, My 'reviews' have been non-existent for the past few weeks due to exams and the holiday season on top of my usual laziness and procrastination prowess (which I am not proud of). I've watched a couple of movies, so I really cant write a full-fledged review for each and everyone of them, so heres another NUTSHELL REVIEW.

1) Rapunzel: A Tangled Story (2010)

Some call it Rapunzel, Some call it Tangled. Nevertheless, it retells the classic story of Rapunzel, a girl with extraordinarily long blonde hair who is trapped in a tower by her evil 'Mother' while a dashing young man comes to her rescue. The typical Disney love story. But with a twist. This movie is on of the better animations of 2010. The storyline really worked and kept the audience interested from start to finish. The cute little Chameleon, Pascal, really stole the show with its adorable antics and cute gestures. Rapunzel portrayed a very innocent character with a whole lot of curiosity and naivety while Rider played out the typical egoistic man, full of himself - who is a thief by the way. And all this works perfectly to give a very brilliant movie that caters to both Children and Adults alike. Definitely worth the watch.

+ Funny and adorable
+ Thoroughly interesting
- Predictable

Rating: 7/10

2) Easy A (2010)

A clean-cut schoolgirl, Olive, relies on rumours that she is sleeping around to augment her social and financial status. One lie to her friend led to the whole school believing in that lie through rumours - which spread like wildfire. This movie is very witty and makes a whole of of reference to other things. Which works and fails at the same time. A person who doesnt get the references made, then they wont enjoy this movie. But those who do, definitely will. Simply because this movie's humour is based mostly on words and conversations rather than actions. A thoroughtly enjoyable movie and very funny to say the least. Olive's parents in my opinion really had me laughing my ass off. Superbly funny and sarcastic, they make grown-ups look cool. What I didnt like thought about this movie is the pace of it. I felt it went a little too fast, rushed if you will. But overall a good laugh.

+ Very funny
+ Nice Story
- A little rushed
- Predictable

Rating: 6.5/10

3) The Last Exorcism (2010)

A troubled evangelical minister agrees to let his last exorcism be filmed by a documentary crew. Cotton Marcus, a pastor who specializes in Exorcisms got what he least expected when he traveled to a small town to perform his 'final' exorcism. What was thought to be a routine 'exorcism' turned out to be fatal for both Cotton and his camera crew. This movie is in my opinion not scary enough, It is pretty terrifying but nothing that made me sweat. The fact that it was shot entirely with the 'through-the-camera' style added to the horror-factor. The movie was pretty interesting from start to end and the flow was good. But the ending was somewhat misplaced and probably poorly directed. But I guess the directors wanted to leave the audience thinking. Cotton Marcus's Last Exorcism is no ordinary Exorcism.

+ Nice Storyline (- Ending)
+ First-person style is appealing
- Poor Ending
- Could have been more scary

Rating: 5.5/10

4) Dragonball: Evolution (2009)

The worldwide comic phenomenon that is Dragonball finally makes its way to the silver screen. It is something all Dragonball fans have been looking forward to for years. The movie revolves around a young warrior, Son Goku who sets out on a quest, racing against time and the vengeful King Piccolo, to collect a set of seven magical orbs that will grant their wielder unlimited power. Unfortunately, Son Goku went on a quest to send this movie down the pits of hell. There is nothing good about this movie. Its like a bad TV movie - and thats not even funny. The choice of actors are terrible and an insult to the comic. Not one felt like the characters in the comic. Accents were horribly obviously faked. CGI is horrible and acting is pathetic. The storyline was poor and flow was all over the place. If I had a choice I'd Kame-Hame-Ha this movie, along with its directors to Namek.

+ Jamie Chung
- Everything Else

Rating: 2/10

5) Tron: Legacy (2010)

The critically acclaimed 'sequel' to the original 1982 Tron tells of the son of a virtual world designer goes looking for his father and ends up inside the digital world that his father designed. He meets his father's creation turned bad and a unique ally who was born inside the digital domain of The Grid (source: To put it simply, its about a guy who goes into the digital world (The Grid) to find that his 'missing' father is actually trapped in that digital world because his father's creation - CLU - went obsessed with making a 'perfect' world in the Grid. Sam Flynn's rescue mission then ensues with flashes of futuristic weapons and gadgets enough to make a geekster wet his pants. I must admit the disc fights and the racing thingy was very very cool. The way they used the stick-cum-motorcycle was awesome. The whole futuristic element was amazing. The soundtrack by Daft Punk was also absolutely fitting and amazing.

Unfortunately, the rest was not. As most people would put it, the movie is like a body without a soul. The movie felt hollow. Everything (well, almost everything) was shot in the digital Grid - that said, the CGI is pretty good - . The movie just lacked that connection with the audience. Acting was just average and the movie felt like a bad rollercoaster, one that brings you down 2 seconds before the climax. The movie felt draggy and uninspiring. Its as if the directors focused a little too much of the body and not the soul of the movie. Definitely could have been better.

+ Futuristic Element (however, they became a little too repetitive after a while)
+ CGI and Soundtrack
- Storyline
- Average acting
- Draggy and beating around the bush a little too much

Rating: 6/10